
Take a Deep Breath

Did you know that extending your exhales so that they are a little longer than your inhales can help you relax? Try it and let us know how it goes for you. The breath bubble above was designed with the following counts in mind:

Inhale for 3 counts
Rest for 2 count
Exhale for 5 counts
Rest for 2 counts


Experiment with different counts that feel nourishing for you.
↓Go down by a count of one in each part if you’re feeling any stress or strain.
↑ If it feels easy, you can try increasing each section by a count of one.
☺️ Bringing a hint of a smile to your lips helps to relax your jaw.


5, 4, 3, 2, 1: A Simple, Grounding Exercise to Calm Anxiety


Box Breathing – 1 minute in length